1/GOP members of Congress who abetted the plot to overturn the election will go down in infamy along with the disgraced 45th President himself. There is another group of infamous enablers who should be called to account: Corporate America.

#TheSwamp https://inequality.org/research/trumps-corporate-enablers/
2/Some big business is now frantically trying to distance itself from Trump. The National Assoc. of Manufacturers went so far as to urge that Pence and the Cabinet invoke the 25th. Amid the chaos, the Business Roundtable called on Trump to put an end to the violence.

3/Yet, as with Congressional GOP, these gestures came after 4 years of enabling Trump’s anti-democratic practices. While Trump moved steadily along the path to authoritarianism, large companies bribed government giveaways and regulatory rollbacks for themselves.

4/Just as significant were the policies adopted by a so-called populist President that weakened labor unions; rolled back OSHA enforcement; curtailed fair labor standards; and installed employer-friendly Secretaries of Labor, far-right local government, and judges.

5/Corporate America has benefited from Trump’s countless retrograde polluting environmental policies. On their way out the door, officials such as EPA's Wheeler are trying to limit the options the Biden administration will have to restore environmental protections.

6/Military contractors such as Lockheed Martin have profited from the Trump administration’s use of arms sales to countries such as Saudi Arabia as a key element of its foreign policy.

7/Prominent corporate figures like Stephen Schwarzman of The Blackstone Group, Kelcy Warren of the pipeline company Energy Transfer Partners, and billionaire Sheldon Adelson have openly supported Trump, both with endorsements and substantial campaign contributions.

8/The majority of other large corporations and trade associations have sucked up to Trump and his family over the past four years. Last February, NAM, the organization now promoting the 25th Amendment, gave its Alexander Hamilton Award to Ivanka Trump.

9/On the whole, big business has offered little more than mild rebukes to Trump’s dangerous tendencies, while reaping substantial benefits. Like Congressional and Cabinet Republicans, Corporate America needs to be held to account.

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