The rules committee will be considering the following proposed rule changes today at 1:30pm. A few good ones, several very bad. Let me know if you have questions/thoughts about a particular proposal! #neleg
Was asked to ID the bad ideas — so this is my super-clear disclaimer that these are my opinions, not Civic Nebraska’s 🥸

Troubling proposals, in order of appearance on the list:
Proposal #2 to change the leadership votes from secret ballot to roll call vote.

There are lots of genuine, well-meaning people who support this change in the name of transparency. But in reality it would destroy what’s left of the nonpartisan nature of our unicameral.
This change would expose senators to political punishment by parties and big donors. Leadership votes should be about electing whomever is most qualified, not the ranking or chosen member of your party.
Proposal #3 changes filibuster from 2/3 of members to 2/3 of members voting. This is a huge distinction that would allow for maneuvering to override filibusters when someone is absent. This is especially problematic in a “citizen legislature,” where members have other jobs.
Proposal #6 would close committee executive sessions to news media. Executive sessions are when the committee discusses and votes on bills. It’s already closed to the public. Anyone who supports proposal #2 in the name of “transparency” better not support this one!
Proposal #15 is functionally the same as Proposal #2. Eliminates the secret ballot for leadership votes.
Proposal #17 I have mixed feelings about. I’m pretty compelled by efficiency, and this would sure help. But I also don’t know how appropriate it is to regulate the # of bills like this? What do you think?
Proposal #20 I think is well intentioned but is just too ripe for abuse for me to support. It defines and creates steep consequences for “disorderly conduct.” The process created could be more disruptive than the disorderly conduct itself. The 30-day speaking ban is way too much.
Those are the proposed rule changes I’m most worried about!
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