I still constantly think about something Jim Sterling said; that when they do positive content, like showing off a smaller game they really like, people just don't watch it.

I talk about indie games struggling to find audiences, but really we're all at the mercy of algorithms.
I bring this up, because I recently saw an exchange between an indie dev and someone advising them to get their game in front of more streamers and YouTubers. "We've tried!"

They mentioned how all the influencers were playing nothing but Fall Guys, then it was all Among Us...
And it's a tough spot, I think a lot of streamers have to keep up with the current trending titles, or their channels and careers suffer for it. I've seen folks who can't stream a title they really want to because the category is "dead" and that sucks. I've experienced it myself.
I know that trying to even promote my own streams on here can be an uphill struggle, if I link my channel, Twitter's algorithm buries the tweets. People even say to me "I didn't know you streamer!" because they never see my tweets.

And the thing is, I'm still lucky as hell.
I've really built my influencer "brand" around indies and more mid-tier titles, and never spending too long with any particular game that it becomes the only thing I'm known for and will watch my channel for. Which probably means I've hampered myself greatly, but I get by anyway.
I often lament that I don't have time to check out a lot of games that need (and deserve) the coverage, sometimes desperately, and I have to turn down a lot of games offered by developers or publishers. There's only one of me, and I can't self-replicate like Agent Smith... Yet.
It's why I put so much effort into my Steam curator page. At least I know if people follow me, they're going to see my recommendations on their feed, instead of just whatever steams algorithms suggest.
Going Under is actually the game that inspired this thread, it launched in the shadow of Hades and seemingly got buried. Got offered a copy, but even tho it's generally my thing, I've just been too overwhelmed with games. So also needs some eyes on it. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1154810/Going_Under/
Also, I'd highly recommend following @RagnarRoxShow and @Lord_Mandalore for their game coverage, some really exceptional YouTube videos.
You can follow @CaseyExplosion.
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