One of the most important interviews of our time, first of 4 DailyClout Profiles in Courage: ‘Cybersecurity Expert Steve Waterhouse Warns that N America is Under Attack’ via @YouTube
2/ @Water_Steve, thank you for your patriotism and courage in warning us all how the pandemic has allowed for a massive ‘hack’ of the human capital, IP and government proprietary information of the West, by our enemies. Between this interview, @MichaelPSenger’s/Gen Spalding’s...
3/ letter to law enforcement snd intel agencies about the ties of ‘lockdown’ proponents to the Chinese Communist Party, and the exposure by scientists such as @goddeketal of the corrupt peer review process that led to the paper that justified a ‘lockdown’ invented by our most
4/ powerful enemy, China’s leader, the pieces of a global assault on Western freedoms, attack on Western government agencies and mass collection of Western medical data and dna as well as IP and trade secrets, becomes clear. A bill was presented in US Congress to call the CCP a
5/ criminal organization. This allows for prosecution of collaborators in US. There are traitors among us who sold Western freedom, data, government secrets, medical privacy to our worst enemy and they must be exposed and prosecuted. Similar bills should be presented in CA, UK.
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