A thread about Queen Tiye.
One of the images Afrocentrists use to appropriate is often this photo (or similar ones) of queen tiye. Let me tell you first why this Bust doesn't show you what you think it does, rather the opposite.
The first thing you need to know is that half of the images you see Afrocentrists exchanging on the internet are photoshopped.
First/ the hair:
People often claim that this Bust show her with "Afro hair", in reality, that thing on top of her head isn't her hair but a headpiece, like a crown. She actually had fairly straight (or wavy brown hair). We have her mummy.
Second her skin color/
The bust is made of yew wood, that's literally the color of the wood. It also darkens with age. For example, here's a Roman doll made of yew wood. It's also dark, doesn't mean romans were black, just the material's color.
Assuming the material's color is necessarily the queen's skin color is akin of showing this statue of Alexander the great and assuming this is his real skin color. No, it's just the material.
Moreover, there has been DNA study done on Queen Tiye and her parent's mummies. Her father was predicted to have paternal G2a and maternal K, her mother was maternal K. Both of these are West Eurasian in origin and are associated w the Neolithic expansion from near east/Anatolia
I would be cautious with these DNA results or interpreting them. They are just interesting to know.
Also here's how queen tiye was portrayed on the walls. I would say a bit different from the bust lol.
So to sum it up:
1) her mummy and her portrayal on the tomb walls show her with completely different features from the bust. (thin lips, wavy brown hair, high bridged arched nose, lighter skin.
2) her DNA suggests west Eurasian affinities (with caution)
3) she was from Sohag, Egypt (I'm from Sohag too lol), Sohag still exist, come and see what Sohagi Women look like. Like all Egyptian women they have a variety of skin shades, some are lighter than others, some are darker.
Also just for the dumb people who will read this: no, she wasn't white. She was just a typical Egyptian woman. I'm just saying that the Bust Afrocentrists use doesn't prove shit.
Also just to be clear, she could've very well been a brown woman just like many Egyptian women are. We come in various shades, we do today, we did 4k years ago
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