I'm one of those approximately 14 Americans who thinks we should give PR statehood and have a new VRA but not DC statehood or universal mail-in balloting. https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1348996746140119041
Good question! Let me list a few things.

Election day is a a kind of super-Federal Holiday, and no employer other than public safety organizations can schedule more than 4 hours of work. https://twitter.com/lacker/status/1349033551279185920
Commit money to waive passport application fees, expand the agency producing them, and automatically issue them for each social security number or any time somebody interacts with the Federal government.
This is a way of providing everybody a free, high-quality Federally-issued voter ID without tying it to driving or meddling in current state regulations.
Beef up funding for Federal election observers. Include providers of election technology in a stricter audit framework.
Codify that the meaning of the 14th amendment, section 2, means, "a state's electoral apportionment shall be proportional to the actual number of votes cast in recent presidential election, non-participation being evidence of abridgement."
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