The Right has no principles beyond pursuit of power and wealth.

They’re not pro-life, they’re not for free markets, they’re not fiscally or socially conservative, they’re not pro-troops, and after their people murdered cops we know they’re not actually pro-law enforcement.
We have passed the point where Republicans can engage in good faith, cooperative government. It’s a fascistic, anti-democratic movement that exists to protect white supremacy and the power of wealthy men and corporations by weaponizing poisonous conspiracy theories.
There is no uniting. There’s no reaching across the aisle. THERE IS NO AISLE. Those of us in the building are watching the Right break down the doors and burn the house down.

It’s not a political party. It’s an existential threat.
What we’re dealing with isn’t conservatism. It isn’t a principled movement. It’s a wild, desperate body with gnashing teeth dedicated to destroying democratic institutions because democratic institutions don’t serve it any longer.
If Trump has taught us anything it’s that the facade of politics-as-they-are is crumbling and there’s opportunity to discard it altogether. The Left needs to call this charade out, move past the mythology of exceptionalism, and reveal the Right as what it is.

A fascist movement.
Stop playing around with this thing. Stop appealing to better angels. Stop peddling the obvious, insulting lie that this isn’t who we are or that Trump is an aberration.

It’s not going away on its own. We have to deal with this and the environment that created it.
We have decades of focused assaults on government and objective reality to deal with and centuries of weaponized mythologies to unravel.

It won’t just happen. There’s a lot of work to do. Life can be better and we can defeat this. But we have to start working.
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