Thread - When in doubt, just move
In this thread, I'll discuss one of the major issues I had a couple of years back.

The issue of staying still when there's no reason to.

The issue of not actively doing something and thinking I could think my way out of problems.

Let's get into it.
I've always been thinking too much for my own sake.

I like to break down complex ideas, look at them from a bird's eye standpoint.

This is cool, but only to a certain extent.

It starts being very problematic when it comes to practicality.
What would happen is, every time I came around a roadblock, I would try to think harder (thinking that it would lead me to a solution)

It doesn't.

All it happened was I was left feeling more overwhelmed and with no answers.

This is what I would call "Living life passively."
When I look at unhappy people, there's usually a common denominator in them.

They're letting life happen to them.

They've settled for the "comfy" job, for the "stable" relationship, or they just straight-up haven't achieved jack shit and yet they don't do anything about it.
I've been there.

I was the guy with the comfy tech job/relationship.

Things started changing for me when I started moving.

In the physical + conceptual sense.

If you're someone who currently lacks direction/feels overwhelmed with life/feels anxious...
It's in your best interest to keep reading.

The paradigm shift ahead might be life-changing.

If you identified with the things I've listed above, it's likely you're living life passively.
You're letting life happen to you, instead of taking it by the horns and changing its trajectory.

The solution to your problem? To move.

What do I mean by that though?
Let me tell you a little story.

I used to be afraid of heights.

One day, I said "Fuck it" and I decided to jump off 33 feet into a pool.

Was it hard? Yeah lmao, but I just did it.

The next day I was just sore.

That jump taught me something...

Fear is mostly perception.
Most people are lost (in the sense that they lack direction, they don't know where to go)

All of us go through that.

There are simply moments in life where we just don't have enough data to know which direction is the one that fits us best.

This causes fear and uncertainty.
But it's mostly the perception of being lost rather than actually being lost.

If you're that person, what you currently need is simply more data.

Everybody tries to think their way into solutions, but there's just not enough data.

With no data, all conclusions are flawed.
The more conclusions you reach, the more perspectives you get.

The more perspectives you get without practicality, the more overwhelmed you feel.

And then you're left with 0 mental bandwidth to do anything.
So the first step is to simply remove the notion that you can think your way into solutions.

You need data, feedback.

How do you get data?

Through motion and experimentation. (and yes this is the only way)
Start moving. (In the literal and conceptual sense)

Go outside, go to the gym, workout, walk, run, swim, something.

Just get moving.

The more the body moves, the more oxygen is transferred to the brain.

The more oxygen in the brain, the more clear your thinking becomes.
This is a crucial part of motion.

Very important to move in both ways.

Don't neglect either because they complement each other.

Now to the concept.
To move is to take more risks.

To move is to make decisions and sticking with them until you get data + feedback.

This data + feedback can be negative.

But this is perfectly fine.

Rejection is part of the process of finding direction.
Make more bets, chase more ventures, commit to decisions, do shit you're afraid to do, bring ideas to life.

Stay in constant motion (execution) and get data.

The more data and feedback you have the more you know yourself.
The more you know yourself (your strengths, your weaknesses, what you're good at, what you're bad at, what you can improve on)

The more clear the direction you want to go becomes.

It's only possible to achieve clarity when data is existent.
It's only possible to get data when motion is existent.

Point of this thread is to make you realize that stagnation is death.

To be in motion is to be alive.

Moving (in the literal and conceptual sense) is living.

Life is lived to its fullest when you're in motion.
Because everything is energy, and energy can only be generated and processed through motion.

To be stuck in place is to be degrading.

Entropy is the Universal law, what doesn't move, slowly rots.
Remember that you can't passively think your way out of that situation.

You have to generate energy, you have to shake the answers out of the Universe, you have to move.

So start moving.
Take "risks", make decisions, get reckless (no matter how many dumbasses are telling you that you're getting reckless)

Remember what I said earlier, fear is mostly perception.

Nothing is going to happen.

Worst case scenarios are jail or death.
Very rare to fuck up so much that you end up in either of them.

So don't think about the "risks."

They don't exist.
Get fucked up, make dumb decisions, deal with the consequences, get data and feedback.

At least now you'll have something to base future decisions on.

Also when you start attacking life with everything you've got, guarantee you'll feel 10x more alive.
So if you're the guy that's waiting on the sidelines waiting for something to happen remember...

Active > Passive

Attacking > Defending

Motion > Stillness (there's time for that too, but only after data is generated)
When in doubt, just move.

Thank you for reading

With love, David đŸ„‚
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