I've been asked to write a thread about the 'highlighter girl' in the same way that I (tried) to summarise the state of Britpopper Studies and the 'Britpopper' archetype a few months back.
The problem here is that the 'highlighter girl' does not have very many defining features. She can be of any social class. She can be of any race (but she's probably white or brown). She can be clever, or not that clever, and as such can attend almost any university.
She can be from any region (though @Iimorihill_resp and @Cleitusthebrit have put forward the view that the Northern variants are more 'aggressive', and like complaining to or about their teachers a lot more).
The only real features of the 'highlighter girl' are her meticulousness in her studies, her intellectual conformity, her lack of imagination, her Apple Macbook, and her extravagant use of highlighters of many different colours.
Highlighter girl loves class projects. She makes notes on everything and has a perfect attendance record. She don't *mind* exams (even if she often throws up from the stress of having to take them) that simply test the course, but she absolutely hates exams like the SAT.
Highlighter girl benefits from the endless expansion of the topics that inevitably accompanies the decrease in the rigour of what was tested. She is mediocre at writing essays. She is well-acquainted with the particularities of each exam board's mark scheme.
If she is more intelligent, what she likes to study will always be entirely dependent upon what is intellectually and politically fashionable at the time. (In History, this would be Race/Gender/Sexuality/etc. in [Random Time Period and Region]).
The point I mean to make here is that the 'highlighter girl' is less a concrete archetype, and more an easy stand-in for the sort of girl who benefits the most from the curriculum and education of the Good Comp Occupied Government that @GoodAccinExile has previously described.
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