Setting aside for the moment the moral deficiency of this argument, is it right that the people storming the capitol and those threatening further violence represent the 74m who voted for Trump? I hope not. And if I were a Trump voter I'd be upset at the suggestion that they did.
This is maybe too aspirational, but I also think that it shows actual disrespect to a group of people to honor their "anger" when it is unfounded in facts and evidence. I feel this way about anger on both the left and the right.
I acknowledge that people on the right have some justification for feeling looked over and condescended to by cultural elites. But stop the steal nonsense? Completely ludicrous. To honor a person's feelings that are based on this complaint is to coddle and disrespect that person.
Without claiming equivalence, an example of this on the left is that Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris continue to claim that Michael Brown was "murdered" by Darren Wilson. This is an explosive claim and imho, in light of the DOJ report, clearly unsupported by the evidence.
It's not the same as a months-long campaign to undermine the very foundations of our democracy. But it's a real failure of leadership and is, for me, a black mark on the records of Warren and Harris. Their admirers deserve better.
And in fairness to Warren and Harris, the issue of police brutality directed at Black and Latino people is a very real one. But that doesn't excuse false claims and in fact, imho, exacerbates the error because it undermines just claims by association with falsehood.
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