Don't miss the populist flare in Carl Trueman's piece as you read it this morning. He specifically mentions New York Times, Christianity Today, and The Gospel Coalition as wielding the very power and privilege they constantly accuse the 'noble people' (my phrase) of holding. 1/7
Of course the piece is a defense of middle-way figures like Al Mohler, who is due for cancellation any moment, given that both sides are now upset. The 'Big Tent' approach of the Southern Baptist Convention, where creedal opposites are paid lip service, has backfired. 2/7
Discernment types were quick on the draw with Critical Race Theory, while evangelical leaders lagged behind, only to face the same fate as the outcasts. J.D. Greear was last seen apologizing to people of color for the way they feel, which is, as they say, 'not a good look.' 3/7
The original plan was to get everyone on board with the project of racial reconciliation, but now that plan seems a miserable failure, and the noble people see it plainly. White evangelical leaders are accused of the same sort of racism they insisted was among the masses. 4/7
Meanwhile, Trueman's piece begins from a posture which allows for the mere mention of police shootings in passing rather than from a position which immediately identifies them as a pervasive problem to be addressed from the pages of Holy Writ. 5/7
I don't offer any solutions here. I just see a lot of division, not only between white evangelicals and people of color, but between the leaders who thought they could save us from that division and the pew sitters who were charged with having created it in the first place. 6/7
So yes, the populists will like this piece. Worth noting, in that connection, is that the term 'Big Eva,' which is batted back and forth by those who claim to represent the noble people, was initially coined by Trueman, and his shots at CT and TGC continue this theme. 7/7
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