I have been incredibly fortunate that my career in clinical practice has taken place at great facilities with great management. That being said, my experiences are unfortunately not the same for many colleagues.
Over many years, as the admin of the 2 largest FB groups for PTs, and through interactions with colleagues of mine across the country, I’ve witnessed that some of the working conditions for many therapists in this country are unacceptable and some are frankly disgraceful.
We must either support
1) more PTs to move into private practice ownership following partner/associate models
2) PTs forming practice groups for those working in facilities
3) perhaps (dare I say it) we need to unionize like our colleagues in nursing.
We are a doctorally trained autonomous profession and it is time that the working conditions reflect that for all therapists. It is time for the leverage regarding the delivery of services provided by therapists to reflect our training.

It is time for a change.
You can follow @ptreviewer.
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