I don't know about you, but after last week I needed some hope.

I found some interviewing the biographer of Hannah Arendt, the perfect philosopher for this age and interregnum between insurrection and inauguration.

Trust me. These words will help. https://the.ink/p/arendt 
I asked Ann Heberlein what appealed to her about Arendt, and she said it was her paradoxical view of forgiveness.

On the one hand, she articulated an idea of unforgivable acts, notably the Holocaust. But in her personal life, she took another route.

“What can we learn from the iconic political thinker Hannah Arendt?" Heberlein asks. "Well, the short answer may be: to love the world so much that we think change is possible.” https://the.ink/p/arendt 
How can you live in a dark time and still hope? It's the question many of us are asking right now, especially those of us doing Dry January. Arendt offers an answer.

I asked Ann Heberlein about Arendt's best-known and least-understood phrase: "the banality of evil." What does it mean?

I asked what Hannah Arendt would make of Donald Trump.

Heberlein's analysis of the Capitol insurrection is a reminder that the warped minds that made it possible are going to be with us, living their bizarre fantasies, long after Donald Trump is gone.

The opposite of evil isn't goodness, Arendt believed.

It's reflection. Thinking for yourself. Not blindly following leaders and disinformers.

That has more to tell us about the work that lies ahead than almost anything.

I also asked about the absolutely crucial issue of Arendt and those cigarettes she was never without.

Arendt's life is also a reminder of the usefulness of alarmism.

There is much more in this interview with Ann Heberlein, on Hannah Arendt's deep relevance to this hour.

Read and savor and share these words.

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