I learned about bananas this morning, a thread:
So I'm making a smoothie this morning right and I really want a banana for it, and we just got some yesterday at the store, but they're green. Now I know it's supposed to be yellow before you eat it but I'm like how different can it be it's just green but it's still a banana
So I go to peel the thing and it just...doesn't peel? Like the outside comes off but like it's still got the peel on it? I mean this thing reminds me of corn when you are trying to shuck it so color me shocked right I'm literally standing in my kitchen alone mouth agape
Like it had LAYERS on there. Eventually I get all the way to the banana and chop er up and put it in my blender right. Then I'm like oh wait green bananas are clearly different so maybe they aren't safe to eat right?
It's the first thing I put in my blender so easy cleanup if not safe. So I take a slice and pop it in my mouth to see if it tastes weird. SPOILER ALERT green bananas definitely taste different than yellow ones (which in hindsight duh)
Then I think to myself wait a second here Chad it's 2021 the internet exists why don't I just google if bananas are safe to eat
Which they were, so then I had to specify in my google search if GREEN bananas are safe to eat
And apparently they are and are an excellent source of resistant starch which apparently resists being broken down in the body which in turn signals a lowered insulin response and increase signals to the brain for satiety
So after reading all this on Google and doing my taste test I still have no idea whether a green banana would be good for my smoothie because that google search made literally zero sense to me
So I say whatever and make my smoothie. Honestly? Can't even taste the banana cause everything else in there so I wasted a bunch of time for nothing.
All in all though I learned a lil about bananas that I didn't know before. Yes I knew green and yellow bananas were different than each other, but I honestly didn't think they would peel and taste so differently.
After all that I am curious, am I:
Chad, the 23 year old idiot?
Or is this banana conundrum a common thing for people to experience and realize eventually
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