Hello everyone, I’m Nas - OD Engagement officer and I’d like to share a snapshot of my life/experience of living with a hidden disability. Not every disability is visible.
I’d like to step out of my comfort zone and start the conversation on mental health/disabilities.
If someone told me I’d achieve what I have today I’d never believe it...

”I’m too different! I’m stupid! I’ll never amount to anything and I’ll never be a professional!" This was something I heard one too many times.

#autismspeaks #EqualityForAll #HiddenDisabilities #inclusion
Suicide rates are far too high and something needs to be done. I have a voice and I want to use it. Let’s break this stigma together by talking openly about our experiences and in return raise awareness and normalise such conversations.

#ItsOkayToNotBeOkay #MentalHealthMatters
Let's start the conversation and share any comments/suggestions/feedback/experiences.

Please click on the link below to read my story..." you can't be Autistic you've got a job".



You can follow @bthft_od.
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