We know that #COVID19 is airborne. And we know that Co2 concentrations can show us where the risk of transmission is higher. So I took my @AirQ007 sensor to a few spots around the city to see what we're swimming in! 1/3
Neighborhood grocery store - 787 Co2 ppm. Under 800 indicates good air flow/chances of transmission are low (assuming all other precautions taken). 2/3
And for your #Toronto commute, the #ttc has good quality air (when relatively empty) . I'll brave a reading at rush hour later today. We can't manage what we don't measure. Co2 sensors @AirQ007 should be in all public spaces.
Back with your evening #TTC rush hour CO2 readings: Bloor line up to 1000ppm despite what I'd describe it as a very light commute @AirQ007
Travelling by #TTC bus? This one 5 or 6 people in it.
Your neighborhood coffee shop has better air quality than your house (most likely) @AirQ007 #Toronto #covid19 #co2monitors
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