A thread on Republican proposed Unity and Healing:

1. When you assholes finally get over the civil war and WWII and realize that your fascist, racist, anti-Semitic ideologies were defeated....you can tell me to "let go of the events of not even 7 days ago."
2. When you assholes finally concede and admit that the election was fair, that the same ballot that elected Biden is the same ballot that elected down-ticket Republicunts--some of whom were even on the Sedition Caucus.
3. When you assholes who are responsible for the terrorist attack--including Criminal @POTUS , @tedcruz @HawleyMO et alia--are prosecuted, jailed and have served your time for your crime--we can consider letting you back into society.
4. When we acknowledge our history of slavery and the ongoing effects that exist today and when we begin a truth and reconciliation process that allows us to connect our racist past to our racist present, we can take a step towards unity.
5. When the Republican party agrees to stop efforts to suppress the vote for people they don't want voting, we can begin to think about unity.
6. When the Republithug party can explain why a right to an AR-15 is a right but healthcare isn't, we can think about unity.
7. When the Republithug party accepts women as equal citizens and ceases its relentless war upon their body , access to economic justice and equal pay for equal work....we can think about unity.
8. When the Republithug party stops its war on BIPOC and LGBTQI and makes amends for stealing and caging children as a deliberate cruelty and reunites them with their parents--including those illegally adopted--we can discuss unity.
9. When the Republithug party acknowledges the pervasive anti-Semitism it has fostered with horrific consequences for Jews in this country, we can talk about unity.
10. When the Republithug party acknowledges it's role in not only the violence that happened last week, but over the last 4+ years, we can discuss unity.
11. When the Republithug Caucus ousts, banishes and outcastes in perpetuity all of the racist, anti-Semitic, anti-woman, anti-LGBTQI, anti-health care, Q-Anon nonsense embracing, bigoted, secessionist twats from its caucus, we can think about unity.
Until....then y'all can fuck off.
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