"I don't know how to make friends", "I always feel like a satellite", "Why do my connections never last" - these are statements I've read a lot on my feed, especially since communication moved almost solely to messaging, phonecalls, and videos.
So what can you do about it?
This week someone told me my reputation is that of the guy who brings everyone together, which I couldn't be prouder of - and I also think I'm very good at making and maintaining friends. I thought I'd tell you some of my tips and tricks - maybe they can help someone out there!
1. Make the plan
The best way to strengthen connections is to spend time together, and the easiest way find the time is to book it! Even now, when you can't book cinema tickets or a bar table, you can create blocks in your calendar to for online play, a phonecall, Netflix party.
2. Say yes, or at least be decisive
If someone offers you thier time, say yes! If you can't that particular time, offer an alternative! The most important thing is to be decisive even if it's a No, don't leave people hanging on a "Maybe" or a "We'll see", that often feels flakey.
3. You don't need a reason to communicate
Send a message every now and then just to ask what's up, share a song, or tell a story. Just because.
4. Focus
When you're with someone, be with them. Phone face down, or on "Do not disturb". Give them your attention - which ties to...
5. Give conversation space
The art of conversation has been declared dead many times since the internet came in, not always wrongfully - it's not necessarily true, but it is important to remember that it's about an exchange, so listen carefully, show interest, and ask questions.
6. Big talk over small
Speaking of questions! it is deffo my personal preference, but I think it'd be correct for almost everyone; very rarely actual bonds are made over "What do you do for a living?" or "How many siblings do you have?". It's not the subject but the phrasing;
"What is your dream job?" And "Which of your siblings do you connect best with?" are better questions as they encourage people to give a lengthier, meatier response. "If you were your own boss, what would you do differently?" and "Are your siblings good of bad influence?" are the
best in my eyes, because they give your friends space, a memory, and chance to tell a story. People bond over stories.

These are methods that are tried and true for me, and I'm sure there are many more. If I had to sum them up for one statement, it would definitely be;
Be the friend you'd like to have

Which, being honest, is a nice way of saying "shift your focus away from yourself". Friendships are transactions of attention, time, and love, and if your attention is always on how you feel, what you want to say, and how much support you need,
it's a hard bargain. Of course, you'll get all of these in a friendship, but you have to offer equal space for your friends thoughts, dreams, fears, and ideas. The good news are, while doing that, you gain much more than you would had you stayed focus on you.

Hope this helps! 🥰
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