Husk DIDNT serve in Vietnam, a thread.
#Hazbin #HazbinHusk #Husk #HazbinHotel
So, I hope we all know the idea that Husk served in the Vietnam war isn’t canon (as it’s on the wiki, which as always, shouldn’t be trusted with anything but cited material), but although Viv has said that she “could see him being in a war” or serving,
As far as the US is involved, Vietnam started in 1965 and ended in 1973. Husk died in the 70’s when he was 75... so he must’ve been 60+ when the war started, and most people who enlisted were 18-40, the oldest man, as far as the -
(fairly little, as it doesn’t require much) research I’ve done goes, being 63.
So, although it is plausible that Husk might’ve served, and possibly died in Vietnam, it is very unlikely. His alcoholism most likely kept him from joining anyway.
I know it would also probably be a mistake, but some people also say that Husk died in the 60’s, which would’ve eliminated him from the Vietnam war anyway.
I still personally headcanon Husk as a veteran, but my point is that he served in World War 2 instead.
He would have been the right age (about in his 30’s-40’s), and it gives more evidence to his multilingualism (he can speak Italian, Russian, German, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, and Japanese, confirmed by Viv) other than the idea that he probably travels for gambling.
If anyone wants to try and debunk this or add anything, take your shot, I’m all ears.
Talking about drafts.
When the US entered WW2, every able man within the age of 21 and 45 was required to register for the draft, instituted the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, signed into law by President Roosevelt.
A nice commenter also brought up the idea that Husk could’ve served in WW1, too, depending on when he was born. If he turned 18 any time before 1918, meaning that he would’ve had to be born some time before 1900, and thus died sometime between 1970-1974,
he would’ve been old enough to be drafted.
So uh-
Headcanoning Husk suffers from PTSD and is another reason why he drinks go brrrr
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