
Some n00b thoughts on #NFT investing:

I think a great way to start investing in the NFT space, especially if you come from "traditional" crypto, is NFT farming. Projects like @DontBuyMeme, @WaifuToken, @ChonkerFinance, and lots of others I don't know about.

Here's why:

When you stake coins like $MEME or $WAIF or whatever to farm NFTs, you're speculating on the price of the coin, not the NFTs. In return for investing in a coin, staking it, and being patient, you're getting cool NFTs essentially for the price of the gas you use to mint them.

For new NFT investors who have some experience speculating on crypto, but not on art, it's a familiar experience. And, you start to discover artists and figure out which you like and want to see more of--and, you start to get a feel for the art NFT market.

It's a win-win, especially if you're good at fundamentals and pick NFT farming projects with good teams, good communities, and good taste.

Of course, I'm only talking about investing in this thread. You can/should start collecting crypto art pieces that speak to you and that you just want to own, at the same time. You also don't have to worry about those pieces appreciating, because you're not gonna sell 'em!

Finally, while you're waiting on your NFT farming yields, use the time to research the crypto art market. Read articles, browse marketplaces, follow artists on social media.

That's all. Anyone wanna shill me some other NFT farming projects?
You can follow @zyzzyva99.
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