I see that the American liberal establishment are characterising the Capitol thing as 'a putsch' or 'insurrection', rather than a few hundred pathetic nutters playing at rioting and getting lucky due to terrible security. Wonder what their agenda might be. Tricky one, eh?
Is Donald Trump a boorish fantasist and all round crybaby idiot? Yes. Are his hardcore followers deeply mad? Yes.

But that's no excuse for what we're seeing, which is a massive power play by the Tech-Liberal-Diversity Complex to traduce and censor anyone with an alternative view
People should be a lot more scared about the arbitrary & unaccountable power of a small number of of Big Tech companies, who are colluding to limit free expression & have basically bought the Democratic Party, than they are about a few poor rednecks and a soon to be ex-president
The monopoly power of Amazon, Twitter, Facebook and Google is jaw-dropping and deeply sinister. It's not oil or railroads they're in the business of monopolising and shutting the little man out of: in the 21st century, the commodities being controlled are information and thought
The liberal left may cheer it on when it's Donald Trump being banned, but they will rue the day that they sold their soul to Silicon Valley corporations, corporations who aren't on the side of workers, or even ethnic minorities (other than in the most superficial PR-friendly way)
The deal: the cultural left get the co-operation of Big Tech to censor the public sphere & force their ultra-woke opinions on the population in exchange for the Democrats under Biden giving Silicon Valley a blank cheque: no anti-trust action, no regulation, no tax crackdowns
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