1/Dear legislators debating new ways to enhance confidence in elections: get rid of #BallotMarkingDevices and other expensive vulnerable voting tech. Voters don’t understand it. Losing side will always cry foul. Use more #HandMarkedPaperBallots and mandatory audits. Invest in
2/Better more accurate scanning technology and error tolerant manual counting methods (and training/assessment methods so they can be uniformly applied)
3/More transparent, less tech heavy ways of registering/authenticating voters
4/Better risk models based in reality of multi-channel elections carried out over several weeks in-person and remote. Include public health in your thinking.
5/Better voter education and voter facing tools to counter effects of mid/disinformation. Better ways to counter social media ability to amplify both signal and noise.
6/And on a parallel branch: national response to securing the software and hardware supply chains for all election tech. #SolarWinds breach was not a one-off event and vulnerable infrastructure deserves this level of investment.
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