"I'm sorry. I really didn't think it would go this far. Sure, we all know Trump is nuts, but he's been good for us. We've gotten some serious work done over the past four years, tax cuts, rollbacks in regulations, judgeships." 1/
"A lot of Trump was just hot-air, no one really got hurt from his over-heated rhetoric like we saw in Seattle, in those BLM marches--OK, OK, yes, I know, I am supposed to focus on what our party did, not the other side. I am sorry." 2/
"Yes, he did support some bad people. He made bad choices. But everyone knew coming into this who he was. So did we. Many of us knew he's come after us if we bucked him. But that's no excuse." 3/
I'm really sorry, I really am. I mean the past four years have been good for me and my family. The best years really." 4/
"But people died last week in DC. I can't get over that, can't wash that away, can't stop thinking about it." 5/
"And I know. COVID. It's bad. My sister-in-law died last week. Before that, it really hadn't hit home for me." 6/
"You know I started out in this because I wanted to do something good. First ran for school board when I was 32!" 7/
"Those early days seem far away now. I don't have a lot of flexibility in what I can do. I try to do what I can. But we're under a lot of pressure." 8/
"I know. I know. What I really want to do is say I am sorry. Sorry to those who died last week. Their families. All those I've hurt by going along with this charade for months and months now." 9/
"I know people won't forget. But I want to ask for forgiveness and say to my fellow Republicans, we have a choice. We can stand up for decency, fairness, and still fight for what we believe in." 10/
This is the speech any number of @GOP politicians could make but haven't. Not a one. end/
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