🧵THREAD 🧵As it's the start of a new year, there seems to be a lot more calls for freelance pitches about. If you're thinking of pitching for the first time, or wanted a refresher, here are some of the things I find useful. /1
I also try to keep a note of places making call outs that I don't immediately have ideas for – they're probably going to be swamped fairly quickly, but now you know they have budget – and they'll be less swamped if you come back to them in a month with a belter of an idea. /3
If you can't find an editor's email address, my favourite tool is @EmailHunter which shows you the format of an email address at any organisation, so you can take a best guess. 50 free searches a month. /5 https://hunter.io/ 
Also, off this hellscape of a website, I'd recommend joining some Facebook groups. Yes, really. @asyiaiftikhar's Young Journalist Community is absolutely one of the best. They have a spreadsheet of editors happy to work with new writers, examples of successful pitches + opps /6
Other good groups I use include @freelancingfor, No 1 Freelance Media Women (who have a pitching hour for pitch feedback + loads of opps), gals in journalism, Women in Journalism, and our own Journo Resources one! /7
I would also heavily recommend the wonderful Slack community from @freelancesoc – as well as a channel of work opportunities, it's just a generally really nice community to be part of! /8
This is no longer running, but I always link to it as it's still a great resource – @GuardianJessica ran a series where she ranked pitches she received with grades and gave feedback (and also commissioned some) /10 https://medium.com/pitch-clinic 
It's also worth subscribing to @MissedPitches to see what other people's look like – they send out a selection of them every week, and you can also submit any of yours which didn't quite land to try and find it a home. /11 https://missedpitches.substack.com/welcome 
This is also a decent database of successful pitches too, and also includes info on the exchange with the editor and how the story turned out. /12 http://www.successfulpitches.com/see-successful-pitches/
From an editor's perspective, we have this big old guide here, which is just a huge list of pitching guidelines from publications across the globe. Good for advice, and to see where you could pitch too. Props to @sianabradley for updating this weekly! /13 https://www.journoresources.org.uk/pitching-guidelines/
Okay, so rates! A couple of databases out there – we have one, so does @NUJ_LFB, and @WhoPaysWriters. All of these are also good places to look for inspiration too.

1️⃣ https://www.journoresources.org.uk/freelance-rates/
2️⃣ http://www.londonfreelance.org/feesguide/index.php?language=en&country=UK&section=Welcome
3️⃣ http://whopayswriters.com/#/results 
That's basically all my oomph for now pals – I'll add more bits and bobs as I find them in future 🤓
Just realised I should probably say that my (free) newsletter goes out today. It has 50+ opps in it and goes out at about 5pm, depending on when I finally get out of bed and stop tweeting. https://journoresources.substack.com/subscribe 
You can follow @Jem_Collins.
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