🙏In the coming days,weeks,tactics of massive deception will be applied relentlessly by the DS,they will attempt their last efforts to instill deep fear to keep their agenda & positions desperately.LameNews will be promoting conflicts amongst countries,nuclear warfare,whatever
scare mongering they can think http://of.It  will seem very real,don't forget they are masters of deception,they have been doing this & same tactics to control you for thousands of years.
PLEASE know that whatever that is shown happening,all is not as it seems. Do not
fall into their traps again as our ancestors have,hold that inner knowing,truth lies within you.
Disclosure will be happening,as this happens,many friends,family will be extremely shocked & triggered,it's not a time to judge. do hold space,compassion & support for each of them,
NOT a time for 'I told you so'.
We have been prepared for this our entire lives,everything that we have experienced in life is to prepare us for this,we asked to experience this.Keep holding the light for yourself & others,send love,prayer & healing for the collective & the Earth
We are all deeply supported by unconditional love,galactics,Ascended masters,Christ families,earth dragons are very excited at this time,higher light hierachs.We are never aloneđź’™
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