Here is a thread about Moussa Ndiaye and my first impressions of his first games for Juvenil A. 1/15.

I must say, I am pleased with his performances. Yes, he made mistakes, but they are mistakes that can be easily eliminated. Below are some clips.

The first aspect I like about Ndiaye is winning most of the 1 vs. 1. He reads the game well and here he easily intercepted the ball.

Here is another duel in which he made good use of his body, strength and balance. Seconds later, he was fouled.

Here Moussa perfectly anticipates and makes a great, clean tackle.

Big mistake here. He should have behaved much better to avoid this dangerous situation.

He is also great at air duels. I don't know if he lost any duel. One of his greatest advantages.

Another big mistake. Mallorca was given a penalty. I bet these mistakes are quite often the result of a lack of concentration. I hope he will improve quickly.

Another situation 1 vs. 1 and blocked shot.

He looks great with the ball at his feet. Here he started the action very well. Good dribbling & balance.

Here he enters with the ball between two players and plays a long ball immediately. Unfortunately, offside.

One of his greatest advantages is also good vision. Here he quickly decides to play a long ball.

Again, situation 1 vs. 1. Fast, agile and good tackler.

Another example of his good vision. His long pass to the Angel Alarcon leads to a dangerous situation.

He also plays balls between the lines quite often.

Currently my rating is 7/10. Ndiaye needs to improve in some aspects but I see a lot of potential. I bet he will soon make his debut in Barça B. I hope to see him as LB as well.

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