Today I want to talk about a very interesting thing followed in my family & many others with the start of Uttarayan.

Most people make resolutions on the new year, in our family, we also make resolutions but with the beginning of uttarayan. We take "Niyam".

Niyam is absolute. It has no exceptions. It is to be followed 365 days a year.

In the past I've followed Tulasi pooja, offering arghya to Surya devta, Maun after sunset.

As I moved on with my studies & left home, these things were left behind. But I want to start again.

Why you should take Niyam?

-Even if we ignore the religious background, it is still helpful if you want to be more disciplined in your life & to be more productive.

Eg-you can take Niyam to not use mobile phone after a certain time at night, to wake up before sunrise etc

If followed properly, a disciplined life gives you a feeling of satisfaction, happiness, better control on your will & a more healthy lifestyle.

I am posting it before Uttarayan so y'all can make your Niyam & follow it for a better life.

Take Niyam, stay true to yourself & follow it honestly. You don't have to share it with anybody, do it for yourself.
I'll do it too.

Thank you.
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