In #JapaneseFolklore, bakeneko are changing cats, a type of #yokai that is able to take human shape and blend in with society. Even if they retain their cat form, they speak human language, wear human clothes and even dance with tea towels over their heads.
Bakeneko transform from regular cats into yokai when they have lived their full lifespan. In some versions of the folklore it is believed that a bakeneko can transform sooner if they drink the blood of murder victims. But if you are a cat owner you must be especially careful.
Some tales tell of cats who transform into bakeneko, eat their owners, take on their form and continue living on in their place. So if you have cat-owning beware if they start to behave a little differently.
🎨 1: 'Cat Keiko' - Kuniyoshi,184.
2: Kunisada, 1853.
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