I read an interesting tweet today that made me revisit the mindset I'd grown to cultivate in society whilst growing up - if you want something badly enough, habits will form themselves.

This is true. However..
It's also true that small and consistently driven habits give you long term benefits for the goal you want to achieve in the long run. Motivation isn't a reliable source, but discipline is.

You could be passionate about something and still not be able to achieve it.
This is where habits come in. This is where they really help. You're focusing on achieving short term goals for a long term benefit.

Sometimes, you're just unable to see that far out into the future because you've never oriented your mind to think that way.
But focusing on the present is easier to do. You can affect your long term goals with daily goals, aka, habits.

This gives you more sense of control about the future.
Whether you develop a passion oriented mindset or a habit oriented mindset - the point is to improve. There's no one way to see things.

Both methods work.
You achieve long term goals both ways.
One is a lot easier on your head and makes it easier to digest failures.

Wish I knew this growing up. I had to slowly develop more sustainable ideas through experience and cement them while reading through James Clear's Atomic Habits.
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