I want to talk about feedback. It can an important part of the creative process, but make sure you’re getting it from people you really trust. Especially at the start of your journey, it’s too easy for your dream to be crushed with the wrong feedback.
The wrong feedback is what you get when you’re not clear about what you want from it. If you’re ready to take on critical feedback, ask for that - often at the start what you actually need is encouragement/praise and it’s absolutely fine to ask for that, just be clear.
The wrong feedback is different to bad feedback, by the way - bad feedback is a whole other thing, and usually comes from people who aren’t thoughtful or kind enough to give you what you need.
But feedback groups can be awesome. They’re positive, supportive spaces where people share their work and *praise* each other, if someone asks for a more critical inspection, they’ll get it - but only if they ask for it, and the feedback will be deeply considered and kind.
TL;DR - Be really careful who you share your work with in the early stages. Ask kind people you can trust. Be clear what you want from them. Start a feedback group where you can all support each other (even easier over Zoom).
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