Did you take the time to review the requirements of the scholarships you apply for? The goal is to get your one YES as quickly as possible & not piling up rejection letters. A lot of outstanding applicants apply for ANY & EVERY opportunity when they

should be applying for opportunities that best suit their profiles. To stand a chance of selection, you need to meet AT LEAST 70-85% of the program/school/scholarship (my opinion). Considering the time and effort put into applications, rejection letters hit & hurt so badly

I have a friend who got the UBC MCF scholarship but lost the McGill MCF scholarship the same year. Another got the UBC MCF but lost the @EdinburghUni MCF scholarship the same year. This means that these guys are qualified for the MCF scholarship, but may not be that highly

ranked for some programs. Rejection letters from programs that you’re not very eligible for may drain the energy that you need to apply for programs that are your BEST fit. Review the requirements again. Rejection/Acceptance letters are a reflection of your profile & not YOU

Therefore, when you get a rejection letter, work more on your PROFILE and don’t be too hard on YOURSELF. For each application, put yourself in the place of the examiner and consider the fierce competition out there. Be the judge.

Review the requirements again.

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