Non-Jewish folks are still out here debating the relative Jewishness of Shalom Y'all: its past and current owners, its food, and the business itself, recently vandalized with the words "Free Palestine", among others. Further, they keep debating what defines antisemitism. Oy vey.
There's debate to be hand on all the nuances and debate is among the things Jews are best at. I myself have at least 3 opinions about almost everything, one of which may be right. That said, this one is easy. Here's a repost from earlier replies so no one else's mentions blow up:
Here's a take by this Jew in particular, for whoever wants it:

1. Attacks based on presumed Jewishness are antisemitic regardless of the target's religion or lack thereof. (See also: Islamophobic attacks against Sikhs) 1/
2. "Free Palestine" isn't antisemitic, it is anti-Zionist. Many Jews are also anti-Zionist and say "Free Palestine" frequently.

3. Conflating Jewishness and Zionism and targeting every (presumed) Jew over the crimes of Israel is antisemitic.

Ergo, this vandalism is antisemitic.
TL;DR A visibly Jewish-presenting business was targeted with graffiti that presupposes all members of the Jewish community as personal representatives of a violently repressive state. And that's not okay.
PS: Given the history of the "what makes a Jew" debate and what's come of that question when posed by non-Jews, goyim debating the Jewishness quotient of a target or the inherent antisemitism of an attack is also *TA DA!!!* casual antisemitism.
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