The P2 demonstrated its efficacy and safety in late stage hospitalised patients in the real world. The theoretical science base is now understood and has overcome safety concerns of increasing the viruses ability to bind to cells and cause severe illness. (2)
The home trial is all but guaranteed to display a similar pattern, as RM stated the conventional wisdom of earlier stage drug treatment should lead to an increase in efficacy, and the theoretical knowledge now cements this line of thought and eradicates safety concerns (3)
The phase 3 trial is imminently kicking off, the U.K. home trail almost at completion of recruitment and may remain ongoing for a larger sample size with intermittent results. The US home trial is in the planning stage. The FDA has fast tracked and given IND clearance (4)
There has never been a larger need for a drug so the market is insatiable and larger than for any drug in the world. Securing doses of the drug should become a priority for countries much like the vaccines are. This drug will save lives, health; and social and economic chaos. (5)
There is currently an ongoing corporate process where @Synairgenplc are talking to majors with a view to a partnership on making the drug a global franchise. As a broad spectrum drug, its mechanism of action will make it ideal for overcoming virus mutation. (6)
EUA’s now being issued to less efficacious drugs with less safety data. The latest finding could well change this for @Synairgenplc who is head and shoulders above other treatments discovered thus far with the price of treatment for lesser drugs at $3000 per dose. (7)
@Synairgenplc are now producing 100,000 doses per month and scaling up further. That’s $300 million of drug per month, likely more given its efficacy. A partnership with a major could see that rocket but only on favourable terms, as the company is firmly in the driving seat...(8)
Having done all heavy lifting and gotten to the stage it is at, while standing on its own two feet and could easily go it alone making any offers for partnership having to be in the multi billions given the 3 month production sales being around the $1 billion dollar mark. (9)
The world is quite literally running out of oxygen to treat patients so my money is on a swift EUA, a fast partnership with a super-major pharma company and a huge ramp up in production leading to the company being valued in the tens of billions in 2022 or even beforehand. (10)
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