Here, Little Russ demands that the government must drop the hammer on every attempt to upend our political system...after ignoring BLM/Antifa attempts to upend our political system fro months.
Here, Little Russ insists that he would use the 25th Amendment and impeach and convict Donald Trump. Of what? Who knows?
I wonder if Little Russ would apply this idea of "governing authorities do not have the Choice as to whether or not to hold people accountable" to a state law that stated the punishment for getting an abortion is the death penalty. What then Little Russ? @drmoore
Here Little Russ insists, that he was all alone in his adamant, vicious opposition to Donald Trump in 2017. (So so brave! đź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Ź) But, that is a blatant lie. At least a plurality, probably even a majority, of Big Eva elites were openly against Donald Trump in 2017.
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