Before you tell me about your concerns about "big tech" censoring the public square, or about how important it is for us as a country to "get past this" and focus on "real problems" or about how it's time for "unity."
And before you smirk and ask me about "what's the point of impeaching him when he's only going to be in office for a few more days anyway?" answer me one question.
What would have happened, if the Republicans, rather than the Democrats, had held a majority in the house, and craven Kevin McCarthy was the speaker? and the party of the traitorous Lauren Boebert,
who tweeted out the location of the Speaker of the House to the mob storming the Capitol, or the moronic, fanatic Marjorie Taylor Greene, or the opportunistic shithead clown Matt Gaetz had the majority of votes in the house?
Do you really think the craven Mitch "win at all costs" McConnel, and Lindsay "lickspittle" Graham, if they saw the potential to win the vote in both houses of Congress, would have taken a stand on principles, and rejected these nonsensical objections?
Or would they have gone along with the pathetic demagogues Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley who doubled down on ridiculous objections that they knew to be nonsensical?
McConnell made a principled speech opposing the nonsensical objections to the vote, but are you sure he would have made that speech if he had thought that his side could have won?
We all know the answer. The traitors in the House and the Senate, who beat the drum of nonsensical "objections" based on ridiculous theories that had been examined and categorically rejected over SIXTY times by the courts,
these traitors would have sought to seize power and vote four more years for their vile "God Emperor." And RIGHT NOW, they would be telling us that we just need to "get over it" and "move on" and "suck it libs"
The United States came dangerously, perilously close to a bunch of unprincipled hacks succeeding in overturning an election, based on frivolous, moronic objections, and keeping a vile asshole in power,
a vile asshole who refused to accept that he had lost and who fomented an attack on the Capitol by a mob of his loser followers. These loser followers wore "Camp Auschwitz" tshirts, and waved confederate flags, and they beat a Capitol police officer to death.
And now these same hacks, and their enablers, are trying desperately to change the subject, to something, ANYTHING, other than the grim reality.
That grim reality is that these scum sought to overturn the will of the people, that they rejected one of the most important and, yes, I'll say it, sacred, traditions of the United States, the peaceful transition of power from one administration to the next.
Now that they have failed in their disgusting attempt to subvert our principles and our tradition, they want to pretend it never happened.
And I say no way. Trump attempted to seize power through the big lie of repeated, but groundless, nonsensical, horseshit allegations of fraud. He attempted to strongarm election officials into supporting his fraud.
He sought to force the US justice department to gin up allegations of fraud and then fired the principled attorneys who refused to go along.
He pressured his own Vice President to violate the constitution and seize power on his behalf, and when the Vice President, to his credit, refused, Trump sent a mob to the Capitol who built a gallows -- a real gallows with a real noose --
and Trump's mob chanted that they wanted to find and hang the Vice President of the United States.
It is astonishing that this needs to be said, but this is vile, psychotic behavior by a vile psychopath, who, along with his followers, has been gaslighting the country , and the world, for too long.
He needs to get the hell out and never come back.
To hell with you you if you want to "yeah but." To hell with you if you want to "get past this" without holding him and his enablers accountable. To hell with you if you want to try to change the subject.
Trump needs to go. Right now. And never come back. Nothing else matters until that is done. You want to talk about tech censorship, about the riots in our cities last summer, about moving forward from here. Fine. But first let's get rid of Trump. Then we'll talk.
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