I believe that as believers we have room for healthy disagreement over issues that aren’t primary salvation issues. And I have lived and worshipped with many that are on a different political spectrum than myself. But this is the year that broke me.
I’m really struggling to wrap my head around the number of people that have completely bought into the conspiracies. The pandemic, Black Lives Matter, the election. So many conspiracies. So much hate and anger from those that are supposed to love.
I don’t even recognize the church I once knew and the people I once counted as my spiritual family. They stand in a building I once thought of as home and worship just like always, while I try to reconcile that worship with their words and actions. So sorrowful. So broken.
My biggest struggle right now is how do I move forward? How do I place myself under their authority? How do I send my children to sit in Sunday school under these people?

Answers not required. I’m just processing.
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