drill music is a subgenre of hip hop/trap typically characterised by it’s hard hitting beats and brash lyrics
pop smoke - “Dior”
•chitra moon
•pushya mercury
•swati mars
headie one - “Of Course”
•chitra moon
•swati mercury
•pushya mars
unknown t - “Fresh Home”
•chitra moon
•pushya mercury
•vishakha mars
ivorian doll - “Rumours”
•magha moon
•jyestha mercury
•uttara ashadha mars
teezandos - mad about bars s5.10
•uttara ashadha moon
•dhanistha mercury
•ashwini mars
shaybo - “Anger”
•punarvasu moon
•uttara phalguni mercury
•ashlesha mars
fivio foreign - “Big Drip”
•pushya moon
•uttara bhadrapada mercury
•uttara bhadrapada mars
damso - “God Bless” hamza ft damso
•ashlesha moon
•ashwini mercury
•uttara bhadrapada mars
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