1) Robin is ambidextrous! Though he does favor his right hand most of the time
2) He can summon (and has summoned) entire primals to command from his own aether alone, once he absorbs their essence from the environment, but he avoids it out of fear of... you know, accidentally tempering his allies, potentially
3) He plays the piano! Well, not so much since he's been on the road, but it's something Mama Suhe had him learn and practice regularly when he was growing up.

He wouldn't mind plucking at the keys again, if given the chance
4) He won't eat poultry or meat; he's a pescatarian! And he respects his seafood just as he respects the sea.
5) He's trans :)
6) He's fluent in Dragonspeak, Hingan, and common Eorzean! He had to learn the latter two languages as a child, but he discovered he just naturally knew Dragonspeak and could reply to dragonkin in their native tongue.... strange,
7) He was allegedly born in the Twelvewood, but has no idea who his biological parents were... Rumors among the Wood Wailers spread that the little cretin's sire had dragon blood. To this day he still has no idea, and frankly he doesn't care, now that he has a new family.
8) Mama Suhe accidentally adopted AND named him... and her little act to save his life from the Sekiseigumi was what eventually inspired him to perform for her theatrical company in Kugane.
9) The first name Mama Suhe gave him was actually Kotori! But he took on Robin as a stage name while working in Kugane, and decided to officially register as Robin Suhe once he left for Eorzea.
10) Robin can't handle his alcohol for shit. That doesn't stop him from drinking it often, unfortunately,
11) Robin occasionally swaps out the colors of the feathers he wears in his hair. The most important people in his life each have their own color... so he can feel connected to them at all times.
12) Robin's main job is Summoner, though really he becomes a hybrid SMN/Dark Knight over the course of 5.x

Truly he's an all-rounder and master of magic, but he'll always have his connection to the primals no matter what role he decides to fill.
13) He used to shed A LOT as a kid. Susuhe had to brush him daily to help keep his fur off the furniture... He grew to love being pampered and now grooms himself almost excessively, even absentmindedly brushing his tail when lost in thought
14) After the fight with Elidibus, the mark of Azem burned itself into his left hand. Just one of many magic scars he's collected through the years...
15) His soul has a long history of being reborn in every Astral Era after the Sundering, each of them paving the path to who he is today, even reshaping the world in some of those lives.
16) Robin's deep-rooted connection with dragons began in ancient times. Eros, his ancient self, holding the seat of Azem, created the concept of dragonkind, granting them sentience as a parting gift and sending them off to a distant star to spare them from the coming apocalypse.
17) His favorite flower has always been the red spider lily. Well aware of their cultural and spiritual significance, they've become more and more of a comfort for him as his unending journey continues, and the more losses and partings he has to come to terms with.
18) His childhood dream was actually to travel the world together with Yura as a performing duo, dazzling all corners of Hydaelyn with some revolutionary new type of music. Their little imaginations ran wild...
19) Robin's fur has a natural and subtle floral scent to it, like aromatic herbs... he's extremely diligent when it comes to hygiene and can spend hours a day treating himself to soaks and baths and masks, even when he most definitely has more important tasks to tend to
20) follow-up from the previous tweet: yes, he does have a very specific morning routine and WILL give everyone hell if he's not given the time and space to follow it through to completion.
21) He tends to get lost in thought and let his eyes wander, but even if it looks like he's not paying any attention to you, he'd likely be able to repeat back everything you've said. He's just a very observant person and likes to be very aware of his surroundings.
22) Robin has an entire collection of books he's never read and does not have the time to. The only books he's touched are scholarly titles on the topic of primals and aetherology, with some romance tales thrown in.

Good thing G'raha's more than happy to read them to him :)
23) Robin used to climb Kugane tower for fun, as a kid... He and Yura would race to the top. Now he can climb it with ease, and the rare occasions he has time to hang out up there and stare out at the sea makes him feel nostalgic.
24) Having tapped into his potential as a Dark Knight, Robin still calls his darkside "Fray," a familiar name, even though he knows the true nature of this entity. Fray acts as Robin's reassurance, and tells him when his intuition is genuine or just born from self-doubt.
25) Robin's Fray can manifest as an exact copy of himself. While Fray could hypothetically stand in for Robin in a given situation, he can't exactly replicate the "learned" personality Robin has developed. If you know him well enough, it's easy to tell them apart!
26) The scent of dashi broth and grilled mackerel are some of the most comforting for Robin. They might not be among his favorite foods, but the unmistakable smell alone makes him reminisce of the very first meal Susuhe made for him - more importantly, his first real family.
27) He's not a textbook mama's boy by any means, but he respects Mama Suhe immensely and will have a go at anyone who threatens or insults her. They may not see each other much anymore, but visits back home are always a comfort.
28) He has this innate calmness to his voice when he speaks, even in stressful or exciting situations. The only time his usual tone of voice will change is if he's genuinely angry - he won't even raise his voice, in fact it'll only sound... darker and more threatening.
29) He has a fantastic singing voice, formally trained and all. Given his more lowkey speaking tone, one might be surprised at the range he has when belting out lyrics... It's one skill that he mostly keeps to himself and those closest to him, since he left Kugane.
30) Robin's not a chef by any means, but he knows some light, comforting recipes (mainly with rice and fish) and knows how to make them well - he can even improv and still make it taste good.
31) His favorite food by far is crab croquettes. He normally avoids fried foods since it's terrible for the skin, so this is his greatest guilty pleasure. He's convinced he can never make it as good as Mama Suhe's, but he still savors it whenever he has the chance to make it!
32) His least favorite food is technically any meat that isn't fish (he's a pescatarian), but he also cannot stand the sight of dango. He ate far too many in one sitting as a kid and it made him ill... He hasn't been the biggest fan of sweets in general since that incident.
33) Here, this thread is actually v important to his character so I'm cheating: https://twitter.com/bunnalien/status/1350048211193442305?s=20
34) His story differs from ARR-early ShB canon in only minor ways, up until he nears the end of 5.0. At this point his story takes a massive deviation because he DOES become a Lightwarden and holds himself in stasis, throwing off Norvrandt's timeline by about 50 years.
35) Utilizing dreadwyrm trance past its limit is something Robin does often, and it scars him as a result. They continue to spread across his body the more he pushes himself, but he doesn't regard searing pain as a warning sign for him to stop... just as a necessary side effect
36) Robin is one of those people who won't think twice about sacrificing his well-being for power, as long as it helps him get the job done and subdue whatever otherworldly threats are thrown at him. He keeps his humanity closely guarded and intact, at the very least...
37) He has a very intimate relationship with Bahamut's aether, so much so that it's melded with his own. Everything about his aetheric signatures might lead one to believe he's been tempered, but that isn't the case. In fact, he's very much himself and still in control.
38) Robin is (physically 😉) 28 years old by the end of Reflections in Crystal! He started out as an adventurer in A Realm Reborn at 21. He's been at this bullshit for way too fuckin long and just wants a break, babey
39) Robin has a general...distrust of Ishgardians, given his bias in favor of dragons. However, Edmont is one among the very few that he holds dearly, being a father figure that Robin never had, especially after Haurchefant's death. He visits the count as often as he can.
40) He even keeps Aymeric at arm's length, since he doesn't much care for dealing in politics... Hilda's sharp tongue and fiery attitude makes it easy for Robin to feel comfortable around her, though, and he regards her more as a close friend than an ally.
41) Robin was a very emotional kid in general. He had temper problems and cried a lot, since he wasn't very good at expressing himself. He still isn't, but at least he's found... methods, to cope,
42) He treats his topaz carbuncle Sprinkles more like a pet than a summon, and you might see her accompanying him on his nighttime walks - she needs the exercise too!
43) Sort of a follow-up from 42; he named Sprinkles after the way that fireworks look like little fiery sprinkles dotting the sky!
44) Robin's workout routine consists mostly of stretches and endurance training - he doesn't get physically tired very easily.

Mentally, on the other hand... 🙄
45) Robin has a case of babyface. You wouldn't be able to tell he's 28 just by looking at him, and he is often mistaken for being much younger, especially since he takes such good care of his skin and hair with moisturizers and essential oils and such. No stress wrinkles here!
46) This is an important thread so i am!! cheating again :) https://twitter.com/bunnalien/status/1357804061073022983
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