thoughts on cheating?
what’s your favorite date idea?
do you have commitment issues?
how bad are your abandonment issues 🥶
are you the clingy type
what’s your favorite pet name??
what’s your favorite title 😳
would you date someone 8+ hours ahead/behind of you?
do you like being domestic?
nsfw !!

what’s a sexual deal breaker? (your partner not liking a certain kink, your partner LIKING a certain kink, your partner never wanting to have sex, etc.)
nsfw !!

subs, would you want rules from your s/o?
doms, you like setting rules?
switches, answer both!
would you get jealous over your crush’s celebrity crush?
would you ignore your friends dms when you’re talking to your partner?
can you cook?
would you date someone who gossips a lot?
would you watch something you don’t like for your partner?
you see your waiter/ess flirting with your partner on a day, wyd??
date** my bad
do you talk to your friends for relationship advice?
would you date someone that a lot of people like?
whats your ideal partner like?
what “trend” do you like in partners?

(gamer bf/gf, maid bf/gf, cat bf/gf)
do you think the term “if they’re bi they’re more likely to cheat?” makes sense?
would you tattoo someone’s name on you?
are you 5’10 and do you wear black?

(i’m kidding that’s just my type)
would you date someone super busy?
are you multi?
do you think the 🥺 emoji is cute?
thigh highs or skirts?
have you ever crushed on a ddd jk fc who uses periods when they talk?
what fc do you lowkey chase 🤨
what’s something that your partner could do to make you think “that’s it’s. theyre the one.”
would you date someone with a cheating past?
would you forgive someone for cheating on you?
you find out your s/o lied about their age, what do you do?
taken people, would your parents (ic?? ooc?? idk. answer if comfy) approve of your current partner 💀
opinion on seeing relationships on the TL?
would you date someone with different political views? (excluding trump supporters.. we don’t talk about them)
have you ever muted your partner before dating them?
would you date someone from a different class level?
if you have a crush, what made you like them?
if you don’t have one, when was the last time you had one? how come you don’t like them anymore?
how long does it take you to move on?
opinion on dating someone ooc while dating someone ic?
would you tell your ooc partner about rp😳
nsfw !!

what’s a kink you wanna try w someone
what’s your biggest fear in a relationship?
have you ever had a “thing” with a partner?

(sending 11:11, sending 00:00, good mornings every single morning, good night every single night or else you can’t sleep)
tw // smoking, drinking

would you date someone that smokes or drinks?
piercings or tattoos?
what’s your type in wattpad form?:&;$:

(geeky and nerdy and soft, bad boy angsty emotionless, etc)
how are your communication skills?
what causes a healthy relationship?
what causes a toxic relationship?
have you ate? have you drank water today? was today a good day? what did you do today? wanna be friends lol i’m lonely 😁 jk that’s the end of the thread thank you for answering i really thought this was finna flop—
now follow me
wait okay but whos tryna date 🤕 i like people who are 5’10+, or if you’re not that tall but you’re a girl i want you
and @cnclust
You can follow @angelbitings.
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