relationship questions for both single and taken people!! quote with your answers duh !! don’t let me flop
first of all, you make skip any you are uncomfortable with!! but, what are your preferred pronouns?
sexual orientation?
are you single or taken?
why are you single?

(skip if taken)
who’s your partner 😳 tag them and say something sweet!

(skip if single)
whats a red flag for you?
would you get mad if your s/o was active on the TL but wasn’t replying to you?
what’s the biggest turn off for you?
what’s the biggest dealbreaker?
whats the hottest thing someone could do?

(appearance wise, e.g. wear jewelry or physical wise, e.g. flex their arm veins.)
have you ever been in a toxic relationship?
would you be friends with your ex?
do you want to get married in the future?
do you come on rp to date?
what’s the oldest age you’d date?
what’s the youngest day you’d date?
would you date someone cishet?
would you rather stay in or go out?
whats your ideal way of cheering your partner up?
who’s your ultimate celebrity crush?
how long do you usually stay in the talking zone for before you officially date said person?
do you have a crush right now? tag them, you won’t ..
are you a flirt?
have you ever led anybody on?
which side of the bed do you sleep on?
do you like cuddling throughout the night?

are you a dom or sub or a switch?
what’s something about you your partner should always know?
would you rather have an embarrassing first date or an embarrassing first time .. yk 👀
do you think relationship drama should be brought on the TL?
what’s your definition of love?
how possessive are you from 1-10?
whats cheating to you? (kissing their best friend’s cheek, calling someone else a pet name, etc.)
would you rather marry someone rich or marry someone you love?
nsfw ??

would you rather have a relationship with no sex or no love?
first heartbreak?
nsfw, maybe??

do you do aftercare 😐
what’s the dumbest argument you’ve ever had in a relationship?
would you rather receive or give? interpret this how you want.
have you ever cheated on someone?
thoughts on cheating?
what’s your favorite date idea?
do you have commitment issues?
how bad are your abandonment issues đŸ„¶
are you the clingy type
what’s your favorite pet name??
what’s your favorite title 😳
would you date someone 8+ hours ahead/behind of you?
do you like being domestic?
nsfw !!

what’s a sexual deal breaker? (your partner not liking a certain kink, your partner LIKING a certain kink, your partner never wanting to have sex, etc.)
nsfw !!

subs, would you want rules from your s/o?
doms, you like setting rules?
switches, answer both!
would you get jealous over your crush’s celebrity crush?
would you ignore your friends dms when you’re talking to your partner?
can you cook?
would you date someone who gossips a lot?
would you watch something you don’t like for your partner?
you see your waiter/ess flirting with your partner on a day, wyd??
date** my bad
do you talk to your friends for relationship advice?
would you date someone that a lot of people like?
whats your ideal partner like?
what “trend” do you like in partners?

(gamer bf/gf, maid bf/gf, cat bf/gf)
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