Longing unused layer 1s is laudable but wrong.

ETH is the network that matters. ETH is used. Defi is the sector with rapid development, real world use case, massive $$$, and momentum.

Long ETH and Defi, forsake nearly all other alts. They are laggards.
The very few worth dabbling for swings would be Solana, BSC, Polkadot. I can’t think of many others. Because these are also going after Defi and arent legacy chains pivoting. They bring challenge to ETH and that could be fun.
Some to avoid? Eos, ada, ltc, bch, xrp, trx... and so on. Stay away. They will forsake you.

The Flippening of the top 20 is upon us.
Some of the ones in no man’s land: xtz, algo, atom, maybe some others? Empty cathedrals of beautiful design but no users or dApps they didn’t pay for. Not organic enough yet. Could work but not easy mode.
Then there is the problem of VC funded ETH chasing L1s. They are either already way too marked up, or VCs are in so much profit and centralized it’s terrifying to hold. Anything outside of ETH is in danger here. ETH has had multiple cycles for early investor distribution.
There are current and future dApps and projects that can be bigger than public companies in similar legacy spaces. Banks, payment processors, lenders, exchange, underwriters, and more.

The real promise of ETH is decentralized finance.
When partial collateralized lending hits Defi landscape... watch out. It’s the killer app. And extraordinarily difficult. It’s the banking magic money creation machine. If it’s taken away from them? Phew.
This is a good thread on the Iron Bank and a way to get at partial collateralization via limited spectrum for spending the loan. Clever. I need to dig back into cream. https://twitter.com/kylesamani/status/1350223912068669440
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