I was so saddened to hear of Deborah Rhode's passing. It was in her class that I raised my hand for the first time in law school.
Some of you know that I struggle terribly with public speaking. The day I raised my hand for the first time I literally felt like I was going to die.
The reason I raised my hand anyway, after sitting quietly and keeping my eyes down for the first month of class, was that Professor Rhode sent me an email that said: "Please volunteer in class. I can tell you have a lot to say."
I have no idea why she thought I had anything at all to say. I also don't remember what I said when she called on me or what she said after that.
I wouldn't be a law professor today if she hadn't sent that email. It changed everything. I started raising my hand in class. I wrote an article that got published. Then another. All these things terrified me but I did them anyway: Professor Rhode thought I had something to say.
I think about her all the time when I talk to my own students, about all the things she did in her life and how she still found time to send an email to a quiet 2L.
She was extraordinary. Just absolutely extraordinary. I am so grateful to have known her. May she rest in peace.
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