There is no reason that @CriticalBard had to be subjected to the deluge of racist cockwomble's today, on what should have been a cool, I get to be a global emote! celebration. Instead... y'all...
It was racist o'clock from the second he went live, mods damn near sprained fingers trying to slap down the fuckery. All the mod tools Twitch provides were used and yet, after his stream was over...
These pressed motherfuckers kept going, even twisting something CB said in response to the racism in trying to me him out to be a racist... against white people. But that's not how it works. At all, y'all non comprehending fuck nuggets.
This, this is why a lot of Black creators aren't about that put me on Front Page life. Cause we often get put front and center with no additional protections. Just as fast as mods can ban racists? 10 more pop up in their place.
No Black streamer should have to deal with this shit, end of. The racist user names, attempting to hack his twitter ffs, following him to Facebook?! That's all supposed to be covered under the TOS and community guidelines.
I'm sure a majority of those usernames that rolled in were immediately deleted or whammed soon as multiple reports came in on them. I would hope that Twitch admin & moderation learns from today & enacts some better measures to keep us safe.
But I live in reality. I know nothing will be done any time soon, if at all. These folks got their kicks in and either made new accounts or got their clips and ran off to make CB out to be an anti-white racist; which we can't be but ok, y'all tried it.
TL;DR I am seeing red, hearing Kill Bill sirens angry over this shit...and know practically nothing will happen to those racist fuckheads. It makes me despair that things will ever get better.
See also, if you are someone who can reply to this thread and you got some well, actually... or but he shouldn't have said X, or Y in your pocket?

I'll fix that ability to reply to threads marked for people I follow real fucking fast.
P.S: think this is bad? Spare a thought for anyone doing Front Page during Black History Month. 🙏🏾🙏🏾
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