We should all care about the considerable and often unchecked power possessed by social media companies.
Yes, Donald Trump violated the terms of service as set forth by the entities that have banned him. To me, that’s not really in question. He abused his platform and lowered the status of his office with every dog whistle, tantrum, and lie.
While being banned from major social media platforms currently prevents him from doing any further damage in the immediate future, we must be mindful of what the decisions from these big tech groups will provoke.
Inevitably, right wing extremists will be forced further underground until they obtain the means to compete with these large social media Goliaths. This may seem eons away but never say never.
His banned status will inevitably confirm the bias that many on the right & some on the left have long suspected of big tech. There are people who believe in connections between the govt & tech. Further distrust toward these entities will fuel more violence.
Almost pointless to say this now but it should have never come to this. He should’ve never been elected and we should’ve never become so dependent upon/addicted to social media.
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