1. One of the unexpected questions I had when I appeared on @LunaOi_VN's show was one from @EmericanJohnson. He asked how I felt about those who believe the two alternatives we face are socialism or technocratic capitalism that seeks to resolve the contradictions of capitalism.
2. Since I am not a good speaker, I didn't respond too well, but I think these types of questions are flawed due to their framing. The means of production will continue to evolve under both socialism and capitalism.
3. In the 20th century, both socialist and capitalist countries had heavy industry. Means of production will improve, but at the end of the day, they serve the interests of their owners - more specifically, the class that owns most of the means of production.
4. Whereas technological advancements that streamline the production process means the potential laying off of workers under capitalism, the same thing under socialism carries much different implications.
5. So it's kind of strange to me to juxtapose big data capitalism with socialism, when we should be comparing big data capitalism to big data socialism.
6. No amount of technology can resolve the contradictions inherent to capitalism: You have the majority of the means of production owned by a very small minority while the majority of the people are divorced from the means of production and forced to survive by selling labor pwr
7. I really don't understand how the example of Taiwan having apps telling people where masks are in stock says anything significant about the development of capitalism. All it does is take the guesswork out of where to find masks, but it changes nothing about capitalism.
8. The forces of production can develop all the want, but the development of the forces of production alone won't fix the contradictions of capitalism or bring about socialism. In fact, they'll only exacerbate the contradictions of capitalism and further necessitate socialism.
9. But even if the objective prerequisites of establishing socialism are there, the question of who owns the means of production remains, hence there is still the need for the people to carry out the replacement of capitalist institutions (including the state) with socialist ones
10. What remains the same in places like Taiwan where these sorts of apps exist is that a shrinking number of people are owning a growing amount of capital, while the middle classes are shrinking and the working class is growing in numbers.
11. When the contradictions of capitalism are exacerbated, it becomes clearer to those with class consciousness that the society in question can choose socialism or capitalist crisis, but until a sufficient portion of the population sees this, capitalist crisis is more likely.
12. If I had more time to think about my response, I would have said something along the lines of this thread.
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