The following is my proposal to save American democracy, significantly reduce economic inequality, and usher in a new wave of innovation and prosperity.

No joke - read this thread if interested!

The political unrest of this last week has many, many causes, but one of the root causes is this - hundreds of millions of Americans are completely cut off from the economic engine of the 21st century.

Those of us living in wealthy urban areas have a hard time grasping this fact - for people like me, business has never been better, the economy has never been stronger, and the opportunities for advancement are endless.

This is, without question, NOT the same experience lived by our fellow citizens - our brothers and sisters - living in suburban and rural communities.

For them, over the last 40 years their local economics have slowly been chipped away.

In many cases, if you’re a smart kid you have to leave your hometown after high school if you want a great job.

If you’re a small business owner, you have difficulty getting the help you need to be successful.

And, in most of the United States, you can’t even dream of starting a tech startup - you don’t have the infrastructure, community, or capital to support this dream.

What happens when hundreds of millions of people are cut off from the modern economy? Well, we’re living through what happens.

Massive political instability.

Deep economic inequality.

The embrace of fringe conspiracies.

The scapegoating of immigrants & people of color.

As Lincoln once said, “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” Well, what happens when one side of the house is insanely wealthy, while the other side has no economic hope or future?

The house crumbles.

Look around, its happening now.

Here’s how you fix it:

President-Elect @JoeBiden should offer up what I am calling the “21st Century Jobs Act of 2021”.

This is a way for the Federal Government to provide significant financial incentives for basing great jobs in economically disadvantaged areas.

This would enable companies to earn massive tax credits (up to 150% of payroll) for creating jobs for people in economically disadvantaged counties.

These jobs would be 6-figure information jobs, jobs that are shaping the economic landscape of the 21st century.

Let’s make it OVERWHELMINGLY profitable for the world’s best companies & hottest startups to hire great people living in low-income communities.

Let’s make hiring from the heartland, from rural America, from distressed urban America, a financial windfall for companies.

Doing so would, within a decade, create millions of fantastic, high-paying jobs distributed all across the country.

Think of what this means for the economic future of these communities.

The multiplier effect would be unlike anything the US has ever seen: these well-paid employees would serve as economic bedrocks of their communities, supporting local commerce, restaurants, services, & more.

Cities that were once without an economic future would thrive.

We are currently living through what happens when people lose hope of a better tomorrow.

You don’t see coups, insurrection, or threats of civil war from people who believe they have a prosperous future.

By adopting the “21st Century Jobs Act of 2021”, or something like it, you are leveraging powerful Capitalistic forces, to incentivize the best companies in America, to hire American citizens.

This is a deeply American solution to the unrest we see today.

We can, if we choose to do so, reverse decades of distrust that has been created by politicians on both sides of the aisle supporting policies that shipped jobs overseas.

We can leverage technology to solve today’s hardest economic problems.

Today’s unrest doesn't have to end in violence, in civil war, or in deeper political instability.

We can choose, as a nation, to use what is best about America - our ingenuity, our free markets, our entrepreneurial spirit - to solve our deepest challenges and problems.

You can follow @dougludlow.
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