About a couple of months ago a lovely Anon asked me in Tumblr if i can make a post about historical gameplay ideas based on the Snowy Escape pack like i did for Eco Lifestyle and after some research here I go.
So, the Snowy Escape expansion pack have two main selling points, a Japanese inspired world and Snow activities + Outside activities. And an extra perk that are the Lifestyles.
First, Mt. Komorebi. the world itself is GORGEOUS, and it’s inspired by two Japanese islands, Honshū and Hokkaido. The first thing i notice is that is big for EA standards if i’m being honest.
Sure there only about 12 lots but outside the lots each Neighborhood have a very distinct vibe and a huge open space. So now, when i think on Historical Japan the first things that comes to my mind are the Meiji Period and the Booming 80′s Japan Craze.
So you can choose to play in any of these periods in the town without problems. Of course you can’t play a Meiji Period style gameplay in Wakaba. You might feel better if you set it on the Sembamachi Neighboorhood only with their traditional houses.
If you are going for an 80's gameplay the Mt. Komorebi add nightclubs, Fancy Spas, Karaoke Bars, and the towns festivals will add some extra life to your Party Goers.
On the Snow activities departament we have Skiing, Snow boarding and sledding. Of course Snowboarding is not a super historical activity (unless you are doing a 1960′s save because it was invented on 1966 and patented around 1968)
3.-, Skiing has a history of almost five millennia. Although modern skiing has evolved from beginnings in Scandinavia, it may have been practiced more than 100 centuries ago in what is now China.
Skiing was primarily used for transport until the mid-19th century, but since then has also become a recreation and sport. Military ski races were held n Norway during the 18th century and since the technology advances on the 19th and 20th centuries people have enjoyed the slopes
4. Sledding.
The practical use of sleds is ancient and widespread. They were developed in areas with consistent winter snow cover, as vehicles to transport materials and/or people, far more efficiently than wheeled vehicles could in icy and snowy conditions.
On Victorian times Sledding became a fun winter activity for all the family members, young and old people gathered to race on the slopes and had fun doing it.
5. Hiking and Climbing were also a very popular activity for those tourists that wanted some extra adventures in their lives. But Maybe you dont want to tour the mountains but to discover and reach the top first like H. B de Lausoure on his ascension of the Mont Blanc.
Those type of activities can be a lot of fun for those mad adventure seekers Sims who wants to be recognized by their peers but also be remembered as the mad man who died trying to reach the top of the mountain.
6. Lifestyles
Most of the Lifestyles that you can find in Snowy Escape are relationship related but there are a few extra one that you can take advantage like the "Technophobe" to avoid to even touch any type of modern machinery, super helpful for pre-industrial Revolution saves
"Outdoorsy Lifestyle" will help a lot if your Sims are in charge of a farm and need to spend loads of time outside or an "Adventure Seeker" if you sim loves to take the risks, maybe you are a knight? A burglar, an explorer be wild.
I know that there are so many objects and clothes that are super modern and makes the historical gameplay a tad hard but the beauty of our wonderful historical modding community is that we are always trying to add more realism to our historic dreams.
You can follow @JaviTrulove.
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