THREAD: My term as an elected member of the Georgia Legislature has ended, an honor I'll forever cherish. My memories are full of incredible experiences and relationships built while doing everything in my power to serve Georgians. I will continue to fight for what's right. (1/7)
I've heard from so many Americans since announcing my decision to join the Republican Party. I want to share some thoughts. (2/7)
I didn't leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left me and so many other Americans. I stand w/ our brave men and women in law enforcement, I proudly support economic opportunity for ALL, and I'll fight against the Socialist agenda taking over today's Democrat Party. (3/7)
I will continue to fight for transparency in our electoral process. The integrity of our elections is critical to Democracy. I'll advocate for school choice and its positive impact on children that are trapped in failing schools because of Democrat failed policies. (4/7)
I'm committed to continuing the economic achievements we experienced in the Black community due to Trump Administration policies. HBCUs are dawning upon a new era of funding and expansion thanks to the president, and we can't let Democrat Party smooth-talk stifle this fact. (5/7)
Operation Warp Speed has developed and made a vaccine available to protect Americans against COVID-19 in record time—a feat never before achieved in the history of mankind. (6/7)
I look forward to this journey, one that will demonstrate the strength of America's core values of hard work and self determination. My sleeves are rolled up, my eyes are focused and I'm looking forward to speaking with as many Americans as I can in the weeks/months ahead. (7/7)
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