(Thread) On September 19, 2019, I attended a town hall for presidential hopeful @BetoORourke. Growing up in the shadow of Columbine in Colorado, I was very interested in his platform.
Those who know me know that I cannot be late to anything. I arrived early for the town hall and secured a spot up front. I was alone and began observing those around me. It wasn't long before I spotted @laurenboebert a few feet away from me, open carrying.
I texted my husband immediately to let him know what was going on, and where I was. Given Beto's platform, I was very concerned about where the situation might lead.
Other attendees that afternoon included the father of a victim of the Aurora theater shooting, and a survivor of Columbine. @RepBoebert made a point to ignore their pain and tell Beto "hell no, you won't take my AR-15."
Even then, I could not have imagined that @RepBoebert would fan the flames for an armed rebellion in DC. Boebert, your rhetoric is harming your constituents. Do the right thing and resign. Colorado is better than this.
Boebert continues to highlight this incident, an interaction with a failed presidential candidate, on her Twitter, because it extends her 15 minutes of fame.
She did not run for office to represent her district. She ran for the clicks. The retweets. The YouTube views. The tourists. We don't need people like her in office. @RepBoebert
Oh yeah... #ResignBoebert
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