IMAGINE living in the 6th-richest nation ON EARTH & poor kids live on 0.5 peppers & 0.3 tins of beans a day .

But 85% of the FUNDING vanishes into offshore accounts.

REALISE that its HAPPENING, and is not a crime - it is chums of the government.

Who did you vote for? #ToryScum
I spent a fuckin' hour trying to cram all of this into one tweet, totally failed to capture the creeping horror, injustice, greed, and corruption here - I'm so fucking upset at just the THOUGHT of having to feed my daughter like this.

But I'm lucky enough to still be in work..👇
PLEASE give to foodbanks. EVen if you can't give money, grab some extra shopping when you go out, and drop it at a food bank on way home. Or even in the box in the supermarket - whatever!

And buy clever - treats are nice, but nutritious tinned food, & staples, like...👇
...tinned baked beans, tinned oily fish, tinned tomatoes/decent pasta sauces plus dried pasta, stuff that people can cook with but isn't too hard if you have limited kitchen access/ability, or are just so ground down by the horror of it all that you can't do better than beans.👇
...on toast right now. Fortified cereals, UHT milk, jars of peanut butter & marmite are a godsend.

Has anybody got any solid tips on how to be tactical in this regard, provide sensibly? Please jump in below, or direct me with a link - it's late and I'm too wound up to think.😭🙏
This shit, taking away 85% of the funding from emergency kids meals, because you are rich and well-connected enough that someone from your private school is now a government minister and THEY DON'T's the end of days.

How does the COVID/Brexit mess get any worse...👇
...than this? How does this COUNTRY get any worse than this?

All the Tory corruption, profiteering off faulty cheap PPE, giving away billions in public money to their mates, for fuck all.

If it was war, this government would be war criminals.

They are peacetime war criminals.
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